Special products for collectivities 

Special products for collectivities

In the large spaces through which many people pass, such as hospitals, catering, hotels, etc. Cleaning becomes a vital aspect to safeguard the welfare of users. It is essential that these spaces remain clean, despite the large influx of people, and for this it is essential to find products that meet 100% current regulations, which are reliable and that achieve, with the same amount of product, a better performance to be able to control costs.

EUROSANEX puts at your disposal a wide range of high quality products to cover the needs of all sectors, also for shopping centers, hospitals, trade fairs, airports… Thus we have a wide range of cleaning carts, cleaning machinery such as scrubbers or sweepers, general cleaners for all types of floors, surface brighteners and multi-purpose products, air fresheners or the prestigious tools for LEWI glassware.


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Showing 31 - 40 of 383 items
Showing 31 - 40 of 383 items

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ej. En Murcia, España

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ej. carmengarcia@mail.com

ej. 962505050

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